skiingski的现在分词现在分词是skiingski不是以元音加辅音结尾的单词它是以辅音加元音结尾的所以只要直接加ing变成skiing就行了这里的两个i不是因为双写辅音而是因为ski本身就有了ski的现在分词现在分词是skiing美ski_v滑雪n滑雪板,雪橇一站式出国留学攻略;滑雪的英文是skiing,读音英#39ski#720#618#331,美#39ski#618#331短语 滑雪靴 snow mabile boot ski bootking boot Boots 障碍滑雪 slalom ski slalom Slopestyle lalom skiing 滑板滑雪 sIf you come to the Spring Festival, you can make a snowman, visit churches and museums你好,这。
星期六的`早晨,我们兴致勃勃地去了泰安市徂徕山滑雪场滑雪坐在车上,我的心情特别激动,因为这是我第一次滑雪On Saturday morning, we went skiing in the wuliaishan ski resort of Tai#39an City Sitting in the car, I feel very excited, because this is my first skiing到了滑雪场。
1cycling骑自行车The act, sport, or technique of riding or racing on a bicycle, motorcycle, or similar 滑雪The act, sport, or technique of traveling or gliding on skis, especially as a sport 3champagne香槟酒A sparkling white wine produced in Champagne;They are skiing为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck;冰雪 ice and snow 冰雪消融 melting of ice and snow 哈尔滨成了一个冰雪的世界,可以观雪景,看冰灯,滑雪,滑冰 Harbin turns itself into a world of ice and snow, where tourists can either enjoy the ice festival or go skiing and skating by themselves;It was included in the performance items of the Winter Olympic Games in 1988 and 1992中文翻译自由式滑雪,是以滑雪板和滑雪杖为工具,在专门的滑雪场上,通过完成一系列的规定和自选动作而进行的一种雪上竞技项目它是在高山滑雪的基础上孕育发展而成,是由空中技巧雪上技巧和雪上芭蕾三;你好,这是小学或初中学生的课本吧译文如下不同的雪景 在第五章节,你已经阅读过了不同形式的雪因此,你知道滑雪时的转弯技巧取决于你所滑的是哪种雪在新鲜的雪上,你会深陷下去在光滑的雪地上,你能滑得更快如果在太阳底下的柔软雪地,你就只能慢慢滑行现在请看一下你所滑出的雪的;People are in a standing posture, holding ski poles and stepping on skis to slide on the snow surface quotStandingquot, quotsnowboardingquot, quotSnowquot and quotskiingquot are the key elements of skiing中文翻译滑雪运动是运动员把滑雪板装在靴底上在雪地上进行速度跳跃和滑降的竞赛运动滑雪板用;词组翻译1 Ski trip滑雪旅行 2 Hockey stick冰球棍 3 Skating rink溜冰场 4 Snowplow犁式刹车 5 Ski lift滑雪缆车 含义解释以上单词和短语表示不同类型的冰雪运动,这些运动需要在冰雪覆盖的环境中进行,需要运动员配备特定的装备,包括滑雪板冰上刀冰球杆等等语法详解1。
I used to try to skee, but he failed to like it;skiing的英式读音为?ski?,美式读音为?ski?当skiing作名词时,中文翻译为滑雪运动等当skiing作动词时,则中文翻译为滑雪运动滑雪作为娱乐等含义一skiing 读音 英式读音?ski?美式读音?ski?二skiing 词性释义 skiingn滑雪运动skiingv;词语翻译英语toski,skiing德语SkifahrenV_,SkiS_,SkilaufenV_法语ski,faireduski四网络解释滑雪体育运动项目滑雪运动是运动员把滑雪板装在靴底上在雪地上进行速度跳跃和滑降的竞赛运动滑雪板用木材金属材料和塑料混合制成高山滑雪由滑降,小回转和大回转障碍滑雪;翻译如下Skiing An unforgettable experience 滑雪一次难忘的经历 by Vanessa 作者Vanessa Last year, my parents took me on a very special holiday去年,我的父母给了我一个非常特别的假期My dream was to see some real snow, so during the Christmas holiday, we took our passports;1从字义上来说 skate翻译为溜冰,滑冰或者溜冰鞋ski翻译为滑雪,滑雪板,滑水橇,滑行装置或者滑雪,滑冰skate着重为“冰”,穿着冰鞋ski着重为“雪”,用滑雪板2从发音上来说 skate的英式发音是ske#618t,美式是sketski的英式发音是ski,美式是ski3从时态变换来;滑雪英语作文100字Last weekend, I went skiing with my family The weather was cold and snowy, but we had a great time The ski resort was huge, with many different slopes for beginners and experts We started on the easy slopes, but soon moved on to the more challenging。
翻译如下 唱歌,游泳,滑雪,倒立 英文分别是Sing, swim, skee, handstand。